Jason Frank Rothenberg

Jason Frank Rothenberg's portrait and landscape photographs are a poetic blend of contemporary life with his romantic and optimistic sensibility. Rothenberg's recent photographs have been published in Doingbird, TheBlowUp, Nest and Paper. Rothenberg's photographs give subtle narratives of characters and places; his subjects are mainly drawn from his artistic and creative milieu including portraits of emerging artists and musicians. In 2006, Rothenberg's visual collaborations with the rock band Black Dice will be published in a book called Gore. Rothenberg has exhibited his photographs in group shows in New York including at Wallspace, Lombard-Fried and in the Art + Commerce 2004 Festival of Emerging Photographers.

2 comentários:

margarida. disse...

Hoje vim a conduzir para o porto sob um arco-iris gigante, um sol radiante, de verão, e um céu negro carregado.


é lindo. faz com que tudo pareça uma imensa paisagem surreal.

Lulu disse...

yaya mt giro isso tudo, mas deixa ver se percebi: tu tas no porto?!?! e nao dizes nada?!?!? que parba.....!!! ;)